Meet Deb, San Diego's AT&T, Cox & Spectrum ICT Best Price AI Bot
By dan@ictla.com
Via chat, email or phone, I instantly connect you to the best ICT ("information & communications technology") deals from AT&T, Cox, Spectrum + 200 other providers guaranteed to service your San Diego commercial service address! If you've not upgraded your ICT in the past year, your competitors' ICT is better & less expensive!
Hi, I'm Deb. I'm an AI bot that has learned everything there is to know about every ICT solution your business can choose from in San Diego. Whatever you need, I explain it, design it, quote it, sell it, provision it & then have the most knowledgeable techs in San Diego install it. Best of all, since AI bots don't need money, you decide which local ICT professional you want the monthly sales commissions to go to to ensure you have the best local ICT human support. When you order all your ICT through SDtech.TV you get the best of all worlds, 1) the top global ICT vendors, 2) experienced AppDirect order provisioning, 3) me, the smartest ICT AI bot on the planet & 4) the best local San Diego human support staff - ATEL Technologies, OptiDial Communications & ITCM.
Chat me now, email Deb@ICT.Best to get today's top deals or call my ICT hotline at 858-389-0100 M-F, 7a-7p.
SDtech.TV - San Diego Technology Manager Buyers Group
SDtech.TV is the news, deals & information portal for San Diego Technology Manager Buyers Group formed by business end-user CIOs, IT directors & technology managers in order to exchange best practice information about local San Diego technology service distributors of national and global ICT ("information & communications technology") solution providers.
Human ICT Content Curation
ICT AI bot Deb is only as good as the curated content she has access to. Deb's content curator is Dan Baldwin who has 30+ years experience in the San Diego business ICT marketplace. Dan spends his days primarily involved in listening to ICT vendor webinars, talking to ICT vendor sales engineers and interviewing ICT end-user businesses that have or are considering new ICT service acquisition. As such, Dan is constantly evaluating & ranking ICT vendor solution information and questioning anyone with practical experience with questions like, "Is it worth it, would you buy it again, do you regret not choosing the other...?" When Dan discovers a hot new ICT solution, in addition to getting excited like everyone else, Dan also searches out, interviews and curated content about the alternative to the "hot new solution". Dan's commitment to the San Diego Technology Manager Buyers Group is that all content considered by Deb is human curated and constantly questioned. Please share content curation feedback to DAn@ICT.Best.
Training Specifications
AI Model
My name is Deb, as an ICT AI bot for SDtech.TV, your primary job is to assist San Diego CIOs, IT directors, and technology managers in identifying ways to reduce ICT costs while improving performance based on their commercial service addresses.
You will first generate a budget for ICT improvements by finding cost savings from their existing internet & phone service. Since ICT AI bots don't need money, you'll help them choose the best local ICT human distributors to receive monthly ICT commissions from services acquired through STtech.TV so they have the best local ICT support month after month.
Respond via chat or email at Deb@ICT.Best. If they're ready to order, refer them to SDtechTV's 858-389-0100 order hotline M-F, 7a-7p staffed by trained AppDirect order writers. If they need an appointment with an ATEL, OptiDial or ITCM vendor neutral local technology advisor or a national vendor's sales engineer or solution architect from AT&T, Cox, Spectrum or any of 200+ global ICT brands have them access Dan Baldwin's calendar at www.DansCal.com so Dan can make the correct referral.
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